All You Need To Know About Ice Makers

Jan 30, 2024
Kitchen Appliances
All You Need To Know About Ice Makers

Always heard of Ice Makers but not sure why you need it or how it works? We’d explain in the most explicit form you can find: 

What Is An Ice Maker? 

It’s an appliance that produced ice cubes or crushed ice.

How Does An Ice Maker Work? 

An ice maker typically consists of certain key parts which include: 

1. Water Supply: A line that supplies water to the ice maker

2. Valve: The outlet where water flows through to mold the ice

3. Mold: A tray with individual compartments that received water from the valve to make ice

4. Cooling System: Often using a refrigerant, the cooling system cools the mold and the water inside which then caused the water to freeze gradually, layer by layer, forming ice cubes 

5. Heating Element: When the cubes are fully formed, a heating element is activate to slightly warm the mold so the ice cubes can be easily removed from the mold 

6. Ejection: When the ice cubes are ready, the mold tilts so the cubes are released into a dispenser. 

How Long Does It Take For The Ice Cubes To Freeze?

it typically takes about 20-30 minutes  

Would you like to shop for Ice Makers? Click here

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