Copper Coil vs Aluminum Coil

Dec 02, 2023
Copper Coil vs Aluminum Coil

Ever wondered why people prefer to buy generators with copper coils than those with aluminum coil? Or have you even been stuck on what’s the function of a coil on a generator to start with? Let’s get into it together 

What is a Coil? 

A coil is a wire loop component of  generator which create a magnetic fueled when the generator’s engine spins. In other words when the coil rotates, the magnetic field passes through the coil which then generates electric current and that current is what produces the electricity. 

Why do people prefer Copper Coils to Aluminum Coils?

Well, copper coils are often preferred over aluminum coils in generators because copper coils can carry electrical current more efficiently which gives better performance. 

Here’s a breakdown of THREE major reasons we consider copper coils a better option: 

1. Durability: Copper has an excellent resistance to heat and corrosion. They are more robust and long lasting which increases the generators lifespan. 

2. Higher Melting Point: Compared to aluminum, copper can withstand higher temperatures without deforming or losing its shape. Why’s it important? When you use a generator a lot or a very “powerful” generator, a lot of heat is produced and the ability for the coil to withstand those high temperatures is crucial to how long it’ll last. 

3. Lower Resistance: There’s less energy wasted as during the electrical transmission process with copper coils. This helps to save energy. 

Basically, copper coils offer superior conductivity, they’re long lasting, they save energy and they’re a top choice for generators. 

Would you like to shop for the best copper coil generators? Click here