How To Know If Your Generator Needs Servicing

Feb 27, 2024
How To Know If Your Generator Needs Servicing

Here are 5 ways to know if your generator needs servicing:

1. Unusual Smells: Check for any fuel or oil leaks around the generator. Also, be aware of any unusual smells, as they could indicate a problem with the fuel or exhaust system.

2. Strange Noises or Vibrations: If your generator starts making unusual noises or vibrations, it could be a sign of a mechanical problem. It's best to have it checked by a professional.

3. Difficulty Starting or Staying On: If your generator has trouble starting or frequently shuts off during operation, it may indicate an underlying issue that needs attention.

4. Leaks or Fuel Consumption Changes: Keep an eye out for any fuel leaks or sudden changes in fuel consumption. These can indicate issues with the fuel system that require servicing.

5. Warning Lights or Error Codes: If your generator has warning lights or displays error codes, refer to the owner's manual to understand what they mean. If the issue persists, it's a good idea to call a professional for assistance.

Remember, regular servicing and maintenance are crucial for the longevity and reliability of your generator. Stay safe and prepared

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