How to Maintain & Extend the Lifespan of Your Home Appliances

Dec 11, 2023
Maintenance Tips
How to Maintain & Extend the Lifespan of Your Home Appliances

It’s one thing to get that one appliance you’ve been longing and it’s another thing to ensure it lasts long. How then do you do it? Here’s our top 5 maintenance tips for all home appliances: 

1. Checking & Replacing: For appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, and vacuum, it’s important to regularly check (2-3 times a month) or replace the filters (if faulty), to ensure proper functioning. 

2. The Clean Factor: Why should you protect your appliances from dust & dirt? I’ll tell you why; when dust/dirt accumulates it can clog the air filter, when this happens it reduces how efficient appliances like your Air Conditioner works. Dust may be the reason your room isn’t as cool as before. Ensure you remove debris. 

3. Avoid Overloading: Overloading washing machines is one of the major causes of wear and tear in them. Overloading an appliance causes a strain, it’s more like they’re being used beyond their capacity and soon enough you’d be at the showroom to get a new one. It’s not that the product isn’t good, it’s that you’re overloading them. This applies for generators, washing machines,  and others.

4. Schedule Regular Maintenance: For appliances like water heaters, dish’s washers and air conditioners,  it’s alright to schedule a professional assistance. It’s always a more affordable option to maintain than to get a new one so choose wisely. 

5. Proper Ventilation: Ensure that appliances like Ovens, Refrigerators, Washing Machine have e light space for proper ventilation to avoid overheating. 

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