How To Remove Stubborn Wrinkles With Your Pressing Iron

Mar 18, 2024
Minimalist Living
How To Remove Stubborn Wrinkles With Your Pressing Iron

Removing stubborn wrinkles with your pressing iron can be a frustrating task, but fear not! 

In this read, we will explore effective techniques to help you tackle those pesky wrinkles and achieve smooth, wrinkle-free garments. 

To remove stubborn wrinkles with your pressing iron, follow these 5 steps:

1. Prepare Your Iron: Fill your iron with water if it has a steam function. Make sure it is set to the appropriate heat level for the fabric you are ironing.

2. Prep the Garment: Lay the wrinkled garment flat on the ironing board. Smooth out any major wrinkles by hand before using the iron.

3. Use Steam: If your iron has a steam function, hold it a few inches away from the fabric and press the steam button to release steam onto the wrinkles. The steam will help relax the fabric and make it easier to remove wrinkles.

4. Iron Properly: Gently press the iron onto the wrinkled areas of the fabric. Move the iron in a back and forth motion, applying light pressure. Be careful not to leave the iron in one spot for too long to avoid damaging the fabric.

5. Hang or Lay Flat: Once you have ironed out the wrinkles, hang the garment on a hanger or lay it flat to cool and set. This will help the fabric maintain its smooth, wrinkle-free appearance.