Ironing Dos And Don’ts

Apr 13, 2024
Maintenance Tips
Ironing Dos And Don’ts

When ironing, it's essential to follow some dos and don'ts to achieve wrinkle-free clothes. Here are seven key things you should and shouldn't do when ironing:


1. Do read the garment care label: Always check the fabric care label before ironing to ensure you're using the correct heat setting for the fabric.

2. Do use distilled water: If your iron has a steam function, use distilled water to prevent mineral buildup and prolong the life of your iron.

3. Do iron inside out: For delicate fabrics or dark-colored clothes, ironing on the reverse side can prevent damage and shine marks.

4. Do iron in the correct order: Start with clothes that require low heat and finish with those needing high heat to prevent accidental burns or damage.

5. Do use a pressing cloth: When ironing delicate fabrics like silk or wool, place a pressing cloth between the iron and the garment to protect the fabric.


1. Don't use too much pressure: Pressing too hard can stretch the fabric or leave shiny marks.

2. Don't leave the iron unattended: Always switch off and unplug the iron when not in use to prevent accidents.

3. Don't iron over stains: Ironing over stains can set them permanently into the fabric, making them harder to remove.

4. Don't use a dirty iron: Clean the iron's soleplate regularly to prevent dirt or residue from transferring onto your clothes.

5. Don't iron clothes that are damp: Ironing damp clothes can cause wrinkles to set, and in some cases, it can even damage the fabric.