Why Your Washing Machine is Shaking Loudly

Jun 11, 2023
Cleaning Appliances
Why Your Washing Machine is Shaking Loudly

When your washing machine starts shaking violently, it’s not normal but then again it’s also nothing to panic about. Here’s a list of some of the reasons this could happen and how to solve it: 

1. Overload: When there are too much clothes in the washer, it could cause it to shake loudly and this often comes with it moving out of its stable position, remove some clothes to check if it goes back to the normal sound. 

2. Unbalance: Sometimes, it’s not that your clothes are much, it may be that the machine itself wasn’t placed properly on the floor or the clothes are heavier in one side of the basket than another. To correct this, take out the clothes and then place them in one by one ensuring they’re balanced in the basket. 

3. Improper Installation: This is common with automatic washing machines. When the two actions above fail, it may then be that the washing machine was not properly installed. You’d need to reinstall. If the noise persist, it’s advisable to call a professional repair personnel to check it out